Hello! I am Raven Song and my story of how I came to be a youtuber and awakening coach, is one that may be relatable to your experience of life.

Half the time my childhood was okay, even wonderful, and the other half of the time it was straight screaming from my mother blaming my Dad. For me, this loving and emotional environment caused me to look for triggers that might set my mother off and I would beat myself up for failing to see what might upset her. I got good at knowing how not to step on those landmines while stifling my own emotional expression. After a particularly bad episode in high school, my mother was temporarily hospitalized and diagnosed with mild psychosis for which she was prescribed medication that she refused to take. It was around that time when I became interested in alternative healing modalities and psychic abilities. What she was experiencing had to be more than just grief from the early death of her mother.
In college, I took a thousand dollars of scholarship money to study Reiki, crystal and color therapy, animal communication, and anything I could learn that was different. When I did choose a partner just outside of college, it was a replay of my relationship with my mother and involved no less anger and yelling directed at me. Although supportive of teaching reiki, going on spiritual retreats and festivals, and leaving a job that left me apathetic towards life; the marriage itself was very much up and down on a whim.
When my mother passed six years after college, my marriage was falling apart, my finances were in total disarray having chosen to travel the country with my partner, and living in a place in town that did not allow for deep sleep. I spiraled into the void. My family was very sportive and I had the peace of mind to seek a divorce while the stress and grief took its toll and triggered a wake-up experience. There were moments of peace and bliss beyond anything I knew was possible. A sense of connectedness to all things, a timelessness and feeling the journey of life, secrets that the Universe began to share with me. There was also deep pain, feeling lost, directionless, meaningless, and extreme anxiety around which my mind liked to create a fearful story. I was diagnosed with bipolar and given meds for two years that I was reticent to take; knowing that it could not solve my turmoil with the brokenness of consensus reality.
I was living with my sister when I had a moment of clarity. I needed to Get a Grip. Life was passing me by and I needed to pick a direction, stop listening to how the Universe worked and just get on with life. I felt a stubborn tenacity to Will, my consciousness into a more solid form, to be grounded and start focusing on the mundane. I started trying to sit for meditation, play music, and do a little yoga while focusing on just cooking myself a simple meal. A few months later, I was granted disability social security income and a little startup, marketing job in Colorado away from any city in the quiet burbs. This was my ticket to freedom away from the hospital system and people that knew my situation as chaotic. While in the mountains, I sought therapy from an advanced energy coach who had experienced a similar awakening which helped greatly bring my soul back into my body.

When I came back to Houston after the summer, I started pouring gong fu tea and teaching some basics on connecting to spirit guides through AirB&B experiences with great popularity. One miraculous manifestation after another, I found more inner healing and peace with my mother. Peace with everything I had experienced and peace with my family that did their best to support me. I took on a coaching client and started leading healing ceremonies in my home as the community began to ask for me to share my talents. My confidence grew and I began to accept my role as a leader, not a follower in a larger community. I began to dress differently and make videos on some of the things I had learned or insights I had experienced.
I began to remember that my presence is one that transforms without speaking even a single word. How often that people feel comfortable around me in ways that they may not be able to explain simply because I accept them as they are. I remembered that I, and my mind are not scary and that I am a beautiful person with much love and compassion to offer the world. I began to meditate and do yoga consistently, on a daily basis as my spirit began to calm, forgive, and find true rest in the now. As I took on more personal responsibility for my energy and myself, I began to accept and allow situations and people to fall away more easily without the need to hold on as I began to turn my attention to starting a coaching practice as directed by the Universe. “Believe, and accept the wealth you were meant to live.”
As a musician and artist, I am here to listen to the sound of your soul: to witness you in your unfolding, to validate your experience, to remind you of what it is to be You. My path has not been easy, which is why I am here to hold your hand as you pick yourself up and put it all together. Let's create a foundation of habits and mental frameworks that will help you stand in the place of strength that you have always dreamed to be. You Can do this, and experience the amazing gift called life in the present moment.
My name is Raven Song, and I hope to discover transformative power of your own light. I look forward to working with you.